Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sorry Hillary, you are not worthy of having an "Alamo"

Hillary's Alamo? – um, how about, "no."

Hey, do y'all remember the battle of the Alamo? Well, probably not from personal experience, of course, but you've heard of it, right? I have a bone to pick with news writers like the Baltimore Sun's Rick Pearson who are comparing Senator Clinton's upcoming face off against her fellow democrats here in the Lone Star State to a hallowed historic battle wherein 200 people lost their lives defending their freedom. The comparison of Hillary's Texas campaign to the battle of the Alamo is an irreverent insult to the heros who died there. Lest we forget, the Alamo is a shrine. Furthermore the comparison doesn't make sense, the battle of the Alamo was not a victory for Texas, but it did keep Santa Anna and his legion at bay just long enough to allow Sam Houston time to rally his troops sufficiently to prevail at San Jacinto. In other words, we Texans lost the battle but doing so meant we won the war. If Hillary loses Texas, she's outta here. So, calling this political Texas showdown "The Alamo," is not only a desecration to an iconical memorial, but it's not even accurate. Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, William Travis, and my mother would be rolling over in their graves, if any of them had one. Thanks y'all.


Daly said...

So true, Julie! Spoken like a well-informed, true Texan homeschooling mom!

Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

Not sure worthy and Hillary belong in the same sentence, even.

Kind of enjoy your detritus ;) Maybe it's the Julie thing. Or because I was born in Texas? LOL